P. Sunshine

P. Sunshine
My Flickr Fotos

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ahh, winter in North Carolina, ya sure can't beat it....only we don't live in North Carolina!? What's up with this unseasonably warm weather? A few weeks ago, Todd and I were hastily stacking bowls and towels to catch leaks from "the heaviest ice damming we've ever had" which caused a steady flow of water into our newly painted kitchen. Now all we have left to show for our snowy winter extravaganza is a couple of holes near the kitchen window, a hanging light fixture and wet, brown grass in the yard.

This soggy winter was to be the year when I could FINALLY get out to teach R. how to ski. Last year I was majorly pregnant, and the year before, he was too young. A friend of mine has a brother who has been named a ski pro. He took his daughter out on the slopes, tucked into his special backback, before his baby was able to walk. Since I am not a pro, I would not, could not attempt such a task. I will stick to waiting until my kids can walk well before including them in my favorite (albeit longlost) sport. for now, I can be found bright and early each morning, swooshing the curtains aside in great anticipation of seeing a sign, any hint at all, of those flaky little things falling from the sky. As soon as I see some you know I'll be jumping in the car with ski gear in tow, heading for the ski hill. Let's just hope that my ol' ski pants still fit!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by pattisunshine.
I feel like this icicle-just melting, melting, melting. exhaustion.